Tires processing system


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The system for the processing of end-of-life tires produces a secondary raw material with different particle sizes, while at the same time separating other components such as steel and textile fibres. The system has multiple phases and may also be supplied at different times to allow the user a gradual approach to tire transformation from as-is to a granule usable as secondary raw material. The first part of the system crushes tires in machines with blades. The second part transforms the tire crumb into 20mm chips, with the first separation of the cord and steel inside the tire. The third phase transforms the chips into dust and separates any cord and steel residues remaining from the previous step. At the end of the processing cycle, the fourth step provides for total cleaning with 99% of the steel being removed from the tire.

Machines in the system:

– primary shredders TR2A

– high-powered single shaft shredders GS

– granulators MG